Preparation and Supply of Raw Materials

Since February 2023, we have successfully established a subsidiary company, SESL Smart Solutions LLC, dedicated to activities in the realm of "safe waste collection." Presently, this endeavor has facilitated the creation of 70 direct job opportunities, with further expansion plans underway to generate approximately 3000 indirect jobs.

  • Citizens and enterprises dealing with secondary raw materials can permanently drop off materials at three designated points in Ulaanbaatar city: in Bayanzurkh district, in the yard adjacent to the factory and Ikh Naran in Songinokhairkhan district, and on the Hutul-Darkhan road in Darkhan.
  • Plastics collected from citizens and enterprises in rural area transported to Ulaanbaatar for further processing.
  • We emphasize public participation in sorting at the source to prepare raw materials, facilitating the transportation of sorted waste from various locations such as Condominium associations and buildings.


TML Plastic factory employs European technology and can recycle 75 tons daily and 27,000 tons of PET-marked water and beverage plastic bottles annually. Furthermore, we have the capacity to recycle 100% of Mongolia's water and beverage plastic bottles within a year.

We are dedicated to creating an environmentally friendly green industry through boasting cutting-edge technologies. We produce high-quality rPET granules of food from bottle to bottle with ecologically friendly technology equipping our factory with top-notch equipment, including Sorema from Italy for fully automatic plastic waste prehandling, grinding, hot washing and sorting production lines from the renowned Austrian brand, Erema for peletizing, crystalizing and cooling technology endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America and the European Food Safety Authority.
Quality Control: We have established a rigorous quality control system to ensure the characteristics of the final product meet the highest standards. Key parameters are continuously monitored such as
Melting temperature
Intrinsic viscosity
Self-density, bulk density
Organic residues
Color coordinates
Acetaldehyde content
To maintain product quality, we conduct 18 types of tests every hour for 24 hours. Moreover, we meticulously monitor all parameters that could influence quality at every stage of the production process. This includes stringent control over the chemicals utilized in washing, precise determination of the quantity of useful materials for compressed raw materials, and continuous monitoring to ensure that the Sorema production line consistently meets the highest quality standards.


Our granules (rPET) have been thoroughly tested and proven to meet the highest human health, food safety, and product quality standards complying with US FDA, international GRS, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, FSSC 22000 and European Union EFSA quality standards, reaffirming our commitment to excellence.

Түүхий эд нийлүүлэх боломж

Хэрхэн хамтран ажиллах вэ?

  • Худалдан авалтын албатай холбогдох
  • Хамтран ажиллах гэрээ байгуулах
  • Зориулалтын уут, шуудайг хүлээн авч ялган ангилах ажлыг эхлүүлэх

Ялган ангилахад анхаарах зүйлс:

  • Шингэний үлдэгдэлгүй байх
  • Овор хэмжээг багасгах
  • Савнаас шошгыг салгах
  • Дахивар тус бүрээр ангилах

Дахин боловсруулах боломжгүй хуванцар сав:

  • Тосны сав
  • Сүүн цагаан өнгийн сав
  • Хэт бохирдсон сав
  • Сүү цагаан идээ хийсэн сав